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Jason Allday's latest book 'Lessons' features a chapter on Lennie Payne - Toastmaster


BBC Essex - Dave Monk Interview

Guest on BBC Essex Dave Monk Programme.

Thanks to Dave Monk and Paul @BBC Essex.


Copyright BBC Essex.


London Skyline using Bread

It seems there are more uses for bread other than eating it after an artist recreated some of London's most iconic structures using the food item.


World Bodypainting Festival 2012

The Lost Boyz at the Body Circus and on the festival grounds as well as teaming up with the amazing artist Lennie Payne to create a show on the main stage called Lost Boyz on toast in which you will see live art being created with a House music soundtrack like never before.


Ataturk on Pitta

Auctioned for the Charity for Children with Cancer 50+ TRNC

For Television coverage (translation needed)


Art you can eat: Toasted Bread Portraits

I once saw Jesus on a slice of toasted bread, I swear. We called it the Miracle of Monday Morning After, because it happened my first night home after a severe case of alcohol poisoning. Artist Lennie Payne's toasted bread portraits are a little more deliberate than my accidental religious imprint and it's also about 10,000 times more dazzling.


Where is the Love?

This exhibition marked a night in my life, brought about
a child ambition, passion.... and personal achievement.
A medium such as burnt bread crossed over from being a tabloid novelty and became personally 'a voice' and a canvass to a planet where Action needs Reflection.

'4 minutes', 'Food for Thought', 'Suddenly Appeared', 'Xtra Small' and so on...... Look at Japan.

A big thanks to all the people who pushed this forward and attended; Paul from Brixton, all the Donnellys especially Tracy, Johnny Tango, Gary Sparks, Angelo the Maverick, Laurance Watson, Dominique Vidalon, Gordon Smart, Sarah Hardy, Colin, John Framers, Jinksy, Tim, Bladesman Productions, Pat Geary and the Chummy Fudds, Google Images and the right hemisphere.
Moving forward at natural and man made medium......... with organic flow.......... leave your contacts and I'll keep you updated.


Tasty treat marks Corrie milestone

Chris Gascoyne (Peter Barlow) and Jane Danson (Leanne Battersby) unveiled the tasty-looking replica at Manchester's Trafford Centre.
It marks Warburton's official involvement in the soap's 50th anniversary celebrations this year.
Artist Lennie Payne created the pub out of Warburtons' bakery products, including 135 loaves of bread, 26 crumpets and 24 pancakes.
He said: "This is the biggest project I've ever undertaken and it's been great fun. The work has been extremely intricate - I've even toasted each slice of bread to just the right colour to imitate those infamous red bricks of the Rover's Return!"


News Talk Radio

A recording of an interview from Irish National Radio station Newstalk 106-108 fm


MAKE: Toast art

The best art since sliced bread? Gavin Harper, our mate who has written articles on Build Your Own Band Aid Fuel Cell, Make a Geodesic Dome, and a number of cool tech books, met up with acclaimed “Toast Artist” Lennie Payne, who gives MAKE: readers some insight on how to make art from toast…


BBC's Inside Out

When you think of toast you tend to picture it with jam, maybe some marmalade or perhaps an egg on top.

You certainly don't expect the sale of it to fetch thousands of pounds - unless you're artist Lennie Payne. 
A blowtorch, a loaf of bread and a knife is all Lennie needs to create his toast art.


Using Your Loaf

For foreigners - a description which includes at least half the population of London - I must explain that a "loaf of bread" is Cockney rhyming slang for "head". To "use your loaf" means to use your intelligence. It's a pun. Oh forget it! Essex artist Lennie Payne uses slices of toasted bread (Tesco Value) to make portraits.

© Lennie Payne 2023

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